This is my personal TOP of American Series,Perhaps You have watched some of them or you are not sure to watch,Well here is my recommendation with a little summary of each one.
Based on Charlene Harri's Books..Humans living with Vampires,A town in Louisiana,A girl that can read minds, Magic, Fantasy, romance and blood blood blood.

Based on George R R Martin's Books and I just can say 2 words Huge and epic! that's how Game of thrones is.A battle for have the throne,Magic, Dragons , Battle and Romance. Extremely recommend
Vampire Diaries
Based on L. J. Smith's books , two hot brother and a girl who looks exactly as somebody in their past. Vampire, Romance ,Magic and a lot of romance triangle problems . Recommend for only me nights
Teen Wolf
when a wolf bite you it is not fun, hunters, superpower, tedious girlfriend, magic, creatures and lies. really good after season 2 for those single nights with some friend who love wolf
Big bang Theory
OMG big bang theory is BBT a group of nerds,a hot girl and a weird genius. different situations and a lot of comic reference for those comedy nights
A girl taking revenge for a family who destroy her life. really good after season 2
Two hunter brothers that always are in trouble .every season is something different and also better than before (with some exceptions) but really good and make you keep watching

This is old but it is my jam!.3 witches whoar e sister and who defeat demons but still who want normal life. REALLY good and I still want more seasons.
Los cuentos de hadas no fueron solo cuentos, en realidad los malos de los cuentos si existieron y unas personas llamados Grimm se los cargaron.pero estos seres no pueden ser vistos solo cuando quieren o solo cuando un joven de descendencia grimm ve su verdadera cara "la del animal" así una gente de policía le revela la tía que es un grimm y tiene que vencer las fuerzas del mal...
Walking Dead
Once upon a time
Do you like fairy tales? because I do and this is awesome! getting better every season and loving Regina.
Secret Circle
Basada en los libros de L. J. Smith , fue una serie que contó solo de 1 temporada por baja audiencia.cuenta la historia de un grupo de brujos,un circulo,villanos y magia negra.
The nine Live of Cloe King
Fue una serie que consto de una temporada pero que ami particularmente me gusto, fantasía y que cuenta la historia de un grupo de adolescentes que al cumplir 16 años le aparecen poderes felinos.y así nos muestran un ser sobrenatural mitad humano y mitad gato.
The Pretty Little Liar

Una de ellas murio y alguien sabe sus secretos.Cuatro amigas que guardan mas secretos que el FBI y alguien que las esta amenazando con contarlos.nos llevan a descubrir que existen secretos que no pueden ser revelados.
The lying Game
Dos hermanas gemelas que cambian de puesto.una que busca a su madre y otra que quiere vivir las comodidades de su hermana millonaria.
Sabrina La bruja adolecente /Sabrina the teenage witch
Pues quien no se la halla visto, mírela una bruja adolescente que nos llenara con fantasiosas y cómicos capítulos.
Que pasaría cuando un grupo de delincuentes se escapan al pasado (presente nuestro) y una policía del futuro también,ella los buscara y parara para que no dañen el futuro y el presente de la humanidad.
Almost Human
In the future there are just few cops and more robots. A cops with a black past and a old robot that has feelings?
Virus ,Antarctica and a lot of dead scientists. A group of scientists working together to make a cure for a really dangerous virus in the middle of a research inside Antarctica.
Almost Human
In the future there are just few cops and more robots. A cops with a black past and a old robot that has feelings?
Virus ,Antarctica and a lot of dead scientists. A group of scientists working together to make a cure for a really dangerous virus in the middle of a research inside Antarctica.
I streamed the GAME OF THRONES series on my roku device. I enjoyed lot.
The mentioned series are all my personal favorites which I stream using my Roku Com Link device. Game of Thrones being my favorite next to Big Little Lies.
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