I'm a fighter and a fighter for life.
My name is Katherine Gutierrez
I'm an artist, a photographer, and a friend. My passion is to change people's lives.
My dream is to become a successful businesswoman. My
name is Katherine M. Gutierrez Rios and I'm majoring in Business Administration
at LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City, New York. I was born in Barranquilla,
Colombia and I moved to US at the age of 17. I’m a proud Latina and untiring
advocate for student rights and woman rights. As a long-term goal I want to open my own
non-profit that will help and benefit the community especially new immigrants
who don’t know anything about the services that the city and state (New York) provides.
I have become involved and part of organizations like the Student Government Association where I play a key role as
a Governor of Political Awareness, and advocate and raise awareness inside campus about Political issues that in one or other way affect our
community. Thanks to my involvement in LaGuardiaCC, I have meet elected
officials, while keep advocating for my student body. I was involved in programs like the "Model
Senate NYS Program" where I played the role of a senator in NYS, and I
did a mock Legislation in Albany to approved a bill, Also I'm an ambassador of LAGCC thanks to President's society, a hand picked of 25 students of the whole student body, and participated in other organizations like PTK Honors Society, United Nations, HSAC, University Student Senate and ANY a fellowship that is currently part of my journey to excel myself.
In my personal interest I'm a Spanish writer, photographer and
the artist behind this blog Kinata. This blog will share my personal thoughts and
inner soul to you while also showcasing photos, research and any other
important elements in my daily life.